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Monday, December 31, 2007

Looking back on 2007

What a year! There were so many days that went by slowly, with me checking the clock to see how much longer until Mike got home. Then how did the year fly by so quickly? Well, I'm just taking a few minutes to think about the blessings in my life and all I am thankful for in this past year.
1. The birth of our daughter, Miss Molly Michelle.
2. Watching Matthew grow into such a capable, lively, silly boy.
3. The health of my family, immediate and extended.
4. Mike's job and success in his career.
5. Mike passing his CFP!
6. Building a stronger relationship with God and our church.
7. Friends--old and new.
8. The ability to be home with Matthew and Molly.
9. Our home, cars, etc. While they may not be shiney and new, they are safe and reliable and I am thankful to have them.
10. The fact that I am still (and probably always will be) trying to be a better wife, mother, person.
11. Laughing with my children. There is no sweeter sound (except maybe an "I really love you, Mommy.")
12. My creativity. While I don't have as much time as I would like to do scapbooking, photography, and sewing as I would like, I'm thankful that I have the outlet.
13. My prayer groups--and the perspective they have given me.
14. All of the love in my life--given and received.

2 people had nice things to say:

Andrea "The H family" said...

Oh honey...this is beautiful. Happy New year.
Umm, we really need to meet up.
---more later, love you,

The Drama Mama said...

I love this post! I'm thankful for our new friendship! It has been so sweet getting to know you and your precious family! Happy New Year!

ps...I love the new layout and pix at the top!!