I have had an idea. Did you ever watch "Facts of Life?" Well, I did--and Blair used to always say "I've just had another one of my
ideas!" Well, I have. And it is--brilliant, that is! I'm adding a
feature to my blog. I've decided that every Friday will be known as "Friends and Family Fridays." On that day, I will choose one lucky person--friend or family--to highlight. They will get a post in their honor, complete with picture, when availiable, and most importantly: duh duh da duh (that's my announcement music) a top ten list. This list will range from happy memories of that person, compliments, and reasons why they are important to me. I've decided to limit the list to 10 because it could get crazy and I don't want to embarrass anyone. Furthermore, the people being featured will not be in any particular order of importance in my life. So there you have it--a new feature and I'm quite excited about it! Stay tuned, you could be next. Also--don't make me mad or I might delete you (just kidding--sort of). : ) Love you!
3 people had nice things to say:
OK, first of all...I LOVE that you are blogging more! I have so enjoyed looking over to my sidebar and seeing that you added another post. WOO HOO!!!
Secondly, great idea! I have been thinking about adding more to my blog other than just the everyday things (even though that can be fun too!), but you know...maybe something everybody looks forward to. So your idea is great! Can't wait to hear about all your loved ones! Love you, girl!
You wanna get together this week?
I LOVE this idea! I've been trying to think of some fun weekly thing; I may have to steal this! (I'd give you full credit, of course.)
Yes, a new 90210 starts this fall on the CW. Supposedly Kelly Taylor (my favorite) will be on on occassion as the West Beverly HS counselor. (Don't you feel like she'd have a cooler, more-money-makin' job than that?) Donna may show up some too! SUPER excited!
oh, I hope I am on the top 10 list!
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