Oh people, serious fun was had by all at our bi-annual scrapbooking retreat. It's a group of 30 women who go, but there's 8 of us in our little group that are friends. We laughed--I'm talking the kind of laughing that you only do with girlfriends. It was much-needed and seriously refreshing. I have to admit, though, I was exhausted today. We stayed up until 1:30-2:00 every night and were up early each day. At the time I was fine, but when reality hit, I realized how tired I was. I am so thankful that my amazing parents came to my rescue this afternoon. They brought lunch over, put Molly down for a nap and mom whisked Matthew away for a couple of hours so that I could take a NAP. Luxurious.
I would post pictures of the retreat, but Mike had to take my camera. He went to the fly-in in Osh Kosh, Wisconsin--something he has wanted to do as long as I've known him (which, by the way, I met him 11 years ago last Saturday). He took tons of pictures. Not sure what I'm going to do with them. Hmmm. Anway--I missed the kiddos and am glad to be home. Matthew and Molly are finished with summer camp at mother's day out/preschool, so I have 3 weeks to cram in some serious summer fun before school starts. Any suggestions?
5 people had nice things to say:
Serious Fun - Beast Feast, 8/16 Shamrock - be there for fun, frivolity and laughter!
It was so fun-- very much needed rejuvenation-- I am so wiped out from all the late nights of laughter too! :) I'll be trying to think of fun things for y'all to fill your last weeks of summer break with!
Girl...I was wiped out as well!! I so loved laughing and having fun. I so wished we could do this 4x a year! I'm not kidding!!
I stole Deb's blog post from today. Don't waste your time blog stalking me! LOL
Love you!
Don't do the pool with the kids. I'm freaked about the 'funk' the news is talking about.
Go to the Dallas World Aquarium!! Downtown dallas. It's cool and the kids will swoon watching the monkey's fly!
Hi, happy Friday. Your weather pixie looks like a little sex pot today. LOL
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