Wow! In the last 30 minutes, I've blogged more than in the last 30 days! Here are a few more pictures from our trip. Yes, that is Mike and Matthew at the tippie top of that water roller-coaster. I don't know who was more nervous/excited: Matthew, who was actually ON the ride, or Me, who was taking pictures of the roller coaster of death (not really, but I was a little freaked out that my child was doing THAT).

Matthew was worn. out. He fell asleep at the restaurant. For those of you who know Matthew, let me just say: Holy Moly. He was tired. That was a first for him. And then we ran across this weird sight on the way to the zoo.

Me and Molly on a ride that was much more comforting that the coaster of death. This was Elmo in Kiddie Land.

The view from our little bungalo. Matthew was in heaven that he could just walk right out to the beach. Molly--not so much. She didn't like getting her hands dirty. For that matter, she wouldn't even SIT in the sand unless I put a mat down first.

I know these pictures are out of order, but at this point, just be happy I'm blogging. Here's Matthew and Molly in the brig on the Aircraft carrier.

Matthew saluting the troops.

Molly playing in the ocean. Notice that Mike had to HOLD her while she dipped her fingers in the water so she wouldn't get sandy.

Matthew doing his dance of I'm-in-heaven-on-the-beach.

We had a great trip--it was so nice for us to get away and spend some family time together. This weekend, all the Teed's are coming for some more family time. I'm sure I'll have lots more to blog about that!
4 people had nice things to say:
YAY for a new post (or 2!). L-O-V-E all the pictures! It looks like you guys had such a great time. And what was that about Matthew falling asleep at the restaurant...ya, that's what I thought you said, but that can't be right...hmmmmm....he must have been one tired boy! Can't wait to hear about your weekend! Love you!
Great pix! I can't believe how loooong Molly looks. Has she gotten tall?
I know I haven't spent much time with Molly, but her Auntie Tweedle must have rubbed off on her the one time we met. I hate having stuff on my hands too! Ick!
Glad y'all had a good trip!
I love this Blog - it keeps me up to date with the Family Teed - the pics of M&M are so precious. Molly is a girlie girl and Matthew is a boyie boy! What fun you had with your familia!
So? Can you elaborate on the strange sighting? Was this a statue or real?! Crazy!
Looks like a gorgeous trip!
Glad you updated !!
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