This picture was taken on Sunday night. This poor little tooth had been hanging on for days. Days. We tried to get Matthew to let us pull it, but he just couldn't. So we waited, and waited!

It came out during snack time at school on Monday. When I picked Matthew up from school, he was running around in the grass saying "Where's Reed?! I need to tell him something." I asked him what he wanted to tell Reed and he said "That I lost my first tooth at snack time!" Um--HELLO. Reed?
Seriously? Matthew, do you not know me at all? Did I not give birth to you and raise you since the moment you came into this world? REED?
REED?????? But, as you can tell, I'm completely calm and rational and totally over what will now be referred to as the
"Reed Incident."
So last night was the big night. The Tooth Fairy. Matthew spent lots of time and effort writing the Tooth Fairy a letter, asking her if he could please keep his tooth? But would she also still leave him a dollar? Or $100? (I'm quoting the letter). So the Tooth Fairy did indeed let Matthew keep his tooth (because she's cool like that) and left him $5 and a note explaining that she would have loved to have given him $100, but then she wouldn't have any money left for the other children that she had to visit that night. (Or for groceries).

And the Little Miss has been taking Gymnastics for about 6 weeks now and is Loving. It. I love this picture because you can SEE her Listening.

Yay Molly!

What a big, sweet girl! I'm so proud of you!!!!
6 people had nice things to say:
I love how you refer to it as... "The Reed incident!" LOL It's funny how friends suddenly have so much importance in their lives! Great pic of the mega loose tooth-- It made me want to grab it with a kleenex and twist! (It's one of my favorite things to do! LOL) and... 5 bucks is AMAZING treasure from the tooth fairy-- Our fairy brings silver dollars!
Molly is sure a cutie hanging from the bar listening--
LOL! Love the reed incident!! LOL at DEBBIE ABOVE. I cringed when I saw the up close great photography picture. Makes me squeemish!
"The Reed Incident"--HILARIOUS!!!
Love all of the pictures. Tell Molly when she's a famous gymnast and goes to the Olympics Ricky is going to want tickets! He LOVES the Olympics! :)
Oh children! The things they do to our hears without even realizing it! Don't they know we should ALWAYS come first? (Heck, my Mother in law STILL believes that and he's married with his own children and is only a few years shy of having lived OUTSIDE of her house as long as he lived INSIDE it.)
And gymnastics - I did that for years and years (competitively for many of them). I have such great memories. If they had classes for people my age and size, I'd be in MUCH better shape these days. I STILL can spend hours in a gymnastics gym (and do a back handspring if taunted in just the right way). :)haha!
OH Darling, When you are replaced by Reed, you've done something right! Reed is very important and you will be again some day! So, Miss Molly is practicing for the Olympics! I can't wait to see her costumes! And I am so glad you are keeping fairy gifts to a minimum!
love the photos
Very Cute! You might like this website: It's free with this code: "fairy-proof"
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