Yesterday was Matthew's last day of Kindergarten and it was sooo bittersweet! He had a wonderful teacher and learned so much, made great friends, lost his first tooth, learned to tie his shoes, learned to read, learned to really write descriptively, learned to draw in detail, learned to make "toot" noises on his arm, etc. It was a really great year! I was so emotional on the first day, which is to be expected. But, what I didn't expect was to cry all the way home when I dropped him off yesterday! I am so happy to have him home for the summer, but so sad that his Kindergarten year is over--mostly because he's continuing to grow up! I love it, but hate it. I want him to stay just the way he is and not grow any faster. I want for both of us to like his first grade teacher as much as we liked his Kindergarten teacher. I want him to crawl up in my lap after dinner and not run out the door to go see his friends--but I DO want him to run out the door to go see his friends. Does this make any sense? I know. It doesn't. But it does, right?
So, here's the comparison.

Same dimples. Same sweet, silly boy. 3 inches taller. 1 and 1/2 shoe sizes bigger. 1 pant size bigger. Longer hair.

In the close up, it seems like his cheeks are a little more defined. His hair is a little darker from not being in the sun all summer. He looks more like a boy and less little.
As much as a challenge as he can be, I love him with all my heart. I've always loved children (probably why I was a teacher and why I'm still drawn to children in photography), but I never knew how very full my heart could be. So full it hurts.
4 people had nice things to say:
This too sweet for words - Matthew has matured over the past 9 months - he is so cute! Love, Mommy love, holds the heart so full that sometimes your heart feels like it is aching - but it doesn't ache. It is so full it expands the Universe and the expansion is sometimes mistaken for pain!
And the years are lightning fast-- You are such an amazing Mother! Matthew and Molly are so very blessed and visa versa! :)
So cute! You can REALLY see the difference in the close-up! It's a hard line we walk as moms - sad to see them grow up, but happy to see them learn and thrive! :)
He does look a little more grown-up. NOOOOOOO! Who said our sweet babies were allowed to get bigger?
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