Mr. Silly Willy has two loose front teeth. They are kind of sticking out, and it looks silly willyish. I really, really don't want him to lose those teeth. Because then he'll start to look really big boyish, and I probably won't be able to stand that. I love Mr. Silly Willy.
The Terry Wright School of Parenting.
7 years ago
4 people had nice things to say:
Silly Willy - the product of the Queen of Silly Williness! I love the pic with his freckles and those teeth looking so loose.
Happy Day
What a great picture! I know just how you feel about the teeth! It just makes me so sad when I see Caroline's big girl teeth and realize that she is no longer a baby, or a toddler, but a real "kid" who's starting to really grow up. Sometimes at night when she's sleeping I just sit there and watch her with tears in my sweet, sweet baby is gone leaving me with this girl who still melts my heart...
who knew being a mom would be this hard?
That is some serious cuteness!
Cute picture. :)
Tucker JUST learned "silly willy" this week. It's one of her Mommy's favorite phrases. :)
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