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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Silly Willy

Have you met Silly Willy? I have. He lives at my house. If you haven't met him, you really should. He is quite entertaining! He knows about a million knock knock jokes. He loves to say potty words. Even when he's very, very grumpy, you can almost always make him laugh. Or if I am very grumpy (which, you know, hardly ever happens), he can make me laugh.

Mr. Silly Willy has two loose front teeth. They are kind of sticking out, and it looks silly willyish. I really, really don't want him to lose those teeth. Because then he'll start to look really big boyish, and I probably won't be able to stand that. I love Mr. Silly Willy.

4 people had nice things to say:

Anonymous said...

Silly Willy - the product of the Queen of Silly Williness! I love the pic with his freckles and those teeth looking so loose.

Happy Day

Alicia {Murry Mayhem} said...

What a great picture! I know just how you feel about the teeth! It just makes me so sad when I see Caroline's big girl teeth and realize that she is no longer a baby, or a toddler, but a real "kid" who's starting to really grow up. Sometimes at night when she's sleeping I just sit there and watch her with tears in my eyes...my sweet, sweet baby is gone leaving me with this girl who still melts my heart...

who knew being a mom would be this hard?

Lucy said...

That is some serious cuteness!

Leslie said...

Cute picture. :)

Tucker JUST learned "silly willy" this week. It's one of her Mommy's favorite phrases. :)