1. Before I take a shower, I HAVE to brush my teeth. I can't shower, then brush. I HAVE to brush then shower. Even if I'm in a hurry and it would make more time-sense to wait--can't do it.
2. I watch Days of Our Lives. I've watched it since I was 8--the summer after 3rd grade when Bo and Hope got married. That means I've watched it for 28 years (off and on, but mostly on). I record it on the DVR and can fast forward through most episodes in 15 minutes and know what's happening, but I still watch.
3. I snore.
4. I'm obsessed with my toes. I get a pedicure about once a month, but that's not what I mean. If my toenails are too long or if I think I might get an ingrown toenail, I have to get to work.
5. I count stairs. There are 17 stairs in our house, 4 then turn, 12, then turn, then 1 and you're upstairs. I count them everywhere. Silently--but I'm counting.
6. I get excited about things. My thing I love right now is my new Sonicare toothbrush. My dentist recommended it at my last cleaning and I love it. Love it love it. My teeth are smooth and clean like I just had a cleaning. I'm actually excited to get my teeth cleaned again because I'm pretty sure I'm going to sit down, the hygenist will look in my mouth and say "Perfect. I can't improve!"
7. This kind of goes along with number 4, but I put lotion on my feet every night before bed and green fuzzy socks on top. BUT--I can't stand sleeping with socks, so I wake up every night around 1 am and throw them on the floor.
8. I have 3 hairs on my chin that I pluck regularly.
9. I remember phone numbers. I remember phone numbers from my childhood, from commercials, etc. I know--amazing.
10. I pull one leg of my pants up when I'm sitting in the car or on the couch. One leg, up past my knee. No idea.
There you have it--my secret quirkinesses. That's me!

3 people had nice things to say:
Oh my, I LOVE this! You got me thinking...do I have anything like that? I have GOT to...and just don't realize it. OK, I'm going to sit down and think about my quirkinesses!
I loved hearing about yours...some made me laugh out loud! You're just fabulous! Love you!
LOL! Oh girl. So funny. The pulling leg up thing cracks me up. Why do we do funky stuff like this?! oh..and by the way. I'm so gonna try that toothbrush. I went out got that razor you blogged about and I love, love it as well! Glad to hear about your funkiness! SO FUN TO READ.
Welcome to the FREAK BLOG CLUB. I really believe once you've blogged your funkiness that it takes you to a whole new level of blogging! LOL!!
Love the stair count and the green fuzzy sock with lotion on the feet thing - I do the same thing with a nite gown, I cannot to to sleep without it but wake up and take it off around 1:00 AM - it must be a Mcquay 1:00 am COD---
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