Apparently I had not realized that Molly has grown. She's a "walker" now. In babyhood, you are classified as a: crawler, pre-walker (you pull-up, but aren't officially walking), or a walker. Well, Molly has graduated to a full-fledged, professional walker. Which meant she needed real shoes made for real walkers. I loved the Robeez, but it was time for a trip to Stride Rite. I bit the bullet, fully prepared to pay more for her shoes than for mine, but "they" say it's important for toddlers to have good shoes. (Yikes--I just called her a toddler). Anyway--into Stride Rite we went, big brother in tow. Matthew helped Molly pick out these precious tennies--hot pink and "perfect for Molly" (according to Matthew). And he was right--she loves them! She brought them to me first thing this morning to put on. Soooooo cute!

3 people had nice things to say:
Good Golly Miss Molly, you gota new pair of shoes! I love hot pink tennies - perfect for a princess! PFT pink flyers!!!! one of my fav C&W songs "I'm walkin' in new boots, I'm singin' a new song!"
Tra la la la la - prancin' and dancin' in those new boots!
oh girl. She's so adorable. I love the shoes! Note to self: get those shoes for Hannah.
And, you must put on your baby list "butt scooter". LOL! Put that in between pulling up and pre-walking. I swear my kid always had to make a new label!
Love the shoes. I'm with you on the advancing from Robeez to Stride rite. I'm so doing that as well. My therapists would applaud you! Thanks again for the invite to dinner. Although, thinking back, probably best I had no nursing. My drama consumed that that evening. Thanks for praying honey. Love you...feeling so much better. A
That's my kind of girl! Nothing like a new pair of pink shoes to make you happy! I have several pairs of pink shoes, so I completely understand!
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