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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Two Sickies, One Mugshot, A Car Race, and OH yes he DID!

Well, I've had two little sickies in the house this past week. First Molly had her ear infection and then Mr. Matthew got his own version. They are both on their way to a full recovery, and I am a happy Mama!
So yesterday, I was trying to get dinner made before Mike came home and I knew something was up. I just knew it. Molly was playing by herself and it was quiet. Eerily quiet. I knew I should have gone to check, but I didn't. I asked Matthew where Molly was and he said "sitting over there." I looked "over there" and I could see her little head bobbing back and forth behind her toys. I thought "wow! I can't believe she's sitting over there playing so nicely!" Well, that' because she wasn't. The little toot had gotten my purse down off the table and was hiding behind her toys. She found a bag of m&ms, opened them, and went to town. Then, she got into my lipstick and proceeded to make herself up. She tore out her hair bow to complete her glamorous look. I caught her red-handed. This is her mug shot.That picture cracks me up because it totally looks like those celebrity mugshots you see on tv and in magazines where the normally beautiful celeb looks trashy and dazed. That's my beautiful girl--looking dazed from way too many m&ms and lipstick in her nose. Hopefully this will be her only mugshot!
Fast forward to a much cleaner and cuter Little! (By the way--we call her Little alot. I don't know how it got started, but that's one of her nicknames that we use quite a bit. We also call her Mollypop, Molly wobbles, Mol, Miss Pants, and Sister).
This is Little in her first pig tails (or puppy dog ears)! She's getting so big!

This weekend, Mike and Matthew had their Adventure Guides Pinewood Derby Race. They built a car, painted it, and off we went to the Derby! Matthew got a badge and a medal and lots of memories with Daddy! Priceless.
And Finally . . . Oh Yes He Did. It was bound to happen. I did it myself several times as a child. Mike told me that he did it, too. It happened last weekend. He spent the night with my parents, went into their bathroom and said he needed "privacy" (HA!), got out my dad's clippers and trimmed his hair! This happened about 2 days after our $17 haircut. He trimmed right in the front, middle of his head. So funny! You can really see it better in the last picture.

Happy Wednesday! It's supposed to be 80 degrees here tomorrow! Woo hoo!

2 people had nice things to say:

Lucy said...

The mugshot and hair cut pix are PRICELESS! Love it!

Hope everyone is feeling much better!

Anonymous said...

Miss Molly cashing in on M&Ms and lipstick! Love the Mugget Shot and no kidding, takes those dog ears down now! Matthew's medal and prize are so wonderful, did he drive his car? Love the private hair cut! Never, I repeat never let a child have privacy until they are 21!
love the post and all the pics!