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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Big Day for Little Missy

Today was Little's first day in the big girl room at school, aka: The 2 Year Old Room. She has loved going to "school," but Matthew has always gone there, too, and this year it's just Little. She was a wee bit more cautious than usual this morning. She didn't cry, but she held my hand a little tighter and a little longer than usual. But, she has some little friends that she knows in her class, so that helps.
I just love these little shoes! When we found them, we knew they were the ones!
Missy going into school--carrying her Minnie Mouse backpack all by her self! What a big girlie!
When I picked her up, she said "Mommy, you posed (supposed) not leave me!" Ug! I can't stand it! But tonight putting her to bed, I told her that she didn't have school tomorrow and she was going to stay home with me--and she let out a squeal of delight (that warms my heart). When I asked her what she wanted to do tomorrow, she said "Go to mall. Ride the horsies (the carousel). Eat lunch at mall. And. What else?" Hmmmm. Sounds like a plan to me!
By the way, my 2 Year Blogoversary is only 4 days away! Holy Moly!

4 people had nice things to say:

The Drama Mama said...

AWWW, they are ALL just growing up WAY TOO FAST! Sweet Mols! And I loved Matthew's pictures of his first day...I can't wait to hear all about it! Let's get together some time this week! Love you!

Anonymous said...

Molly is a "mallie" I love it and I the complete first day costume! Goodness, she is a fashion plate. Do a twirl the mall for me and buy something! Love the pics of her first day - takes some at the mall too!


Lucy said...

LOVE her skirt! So cute!

Alicia {Murry Mayhem} said...

What a cutie pie! I bet she was thrilled to spend the day with you!