We have been on a big family road trip and had all the fun we could imagine! We drove from Texas through Louisiana, Mississippi, to Alabama, then Florida and back again! We stayed with Mike's parents and had a side trip to Panama City Beach for 3 days. It was a great trip! As you can see, Grandmom and Granddad have a pool, so we swam a lot!

Granddad has spent a lot of time finishing on his PhD and teaching and this was the first time in a long time that we got to spend a lot of time with him. Molly loves reading and loved reading with Granddad!
Granddad has spent a lot of time finishing on his PhD and teaching and this was the first time in a long time that we got to spend a lot of time with him. Molly loves reading and loved reading with Granddad!
We had a great time at the beach (no oil!) and loved every detail about it! We found an amazing spot with a sand bar that went out really far. Matthew and Molly loved being able to go so far out into the ocean, but only in water up to their knees!
We even had dinner on the beach! What fun!
I absolutely love this picture. They had so much fun that they were absolutely exhausted!
Guess what they did?!
They had to ride the ferris wheel--which is good training for the upcoming State Fair in the fall!
More reading (with Grandmom this time).
Usually while Molly was reading, Matthew was playing with all of the old toys that Grandmom has saved from when Mike and his brothers were little. Can you guess his favorites? Legos!
Usually while Molly was reading, Matthew was playing with all of the old toys that Grandmom has saved from when Mike and his brothers were little. Can you guess his favorites? Legos!
If you know our family, you know that if there is any type of aviation museum nearby, it must be visited and thoroughly toured ending with a trip through the gift shop! This is from Ft. Rucker.
Mike's parents also have a swingset in the backyard--they spent hours outside!
We have a Krispy Kreme here, but we don't go. We couldn't resist while we were on vacation!
We also stopped in Pensacola at the National Naval Air Museum (home of the Blue Angels). Definitely the best Aviation Museum we've visited (but we haven't been to D.C. yet!)
It was a great trip! Thank you Grandmom and Granddad for all of your hospitality and love--such great memories!! We are glad to be home and back to our (somewhat) normal routine! I stayed up wayyyy too late last night working with Blurb and slurping (that's what they call it) my blog into a book. I'm almost to my 3 year Blogoversary, so it's time! Happy Summer!!!
1 people had nice things to say:
Absolutely, the best pics yet! Molly in the airplane is newsworthy! Matthew doing a back flip with Mike wins hands down! What a fab vacation you had and I am so jealous, I desire a Krespy Kream Hat too!
Where were you in the pics?
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